Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fellas at the Gym

I wasn't here for more than a couple weeks in Korea before I joined the local health club. After staying for more than a month, I'm starting to make some friends there. Last Friday I was even invited out to eat with them. Of course we went to a great restaurant where they served delicious Samgyupsul? I seriously didn't even realize food could be this good.

There was also a Japanese guy who frequents the club and joined us, so I wasn't completely left out of the conversation. Most of the guys were engineers, and the Japanese guy has a job in town testing motorcycles for a local manufacturer. Being as he gets to ride motorcycles all day for work, the conversation of course centered around motorcycles for most of the night.

I went out later to a billiards club with some of them, where they taught me some Korean billiards game that I'm still scratching my head over.

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