Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dinner with the Park Family

I just returned from a delicious meal at the home of a colleague and her husband. An otherwise normal Korean family, Kabnam Ahn and her husband just returned to Korea after spending two years in Ohio while 'Tony' Park finished his MBA program at Ohio State University. During these two years they traveled all over the United States, seeing New York City, Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Miami.

You can read all about his adventures and see all his pictures at his blog here.

He had many nice things to say about Ohio, and their whole family seemed to have genuinely enjoyed their time there, a refreshing change from the comments I usually hear about the place!

During the evening we discussed many things from schools, politics, to culture and linguistics. I had a great time with and his family, all of whom were eager to share their stories about living and traveling in America. 당신을 감사하십시오!

Under the Baobab: Tony Park & Kabnam Ahn

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