Monday, April 16, 2007

My Father

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank my father for all his support and encouragement of me. In his journal, Andy’s Fragments, he writes the following:

I am very proud of Tyler for his outstanding accomplishments. He has taught English as a foreign language in several Japanese Jr. High Schools for nearly three years. He's learned the language (and Japanese is not easy) and traveled all over the Pacific rim. His blog is 2ox better than mine and very well written. He's a remarkable guy. And, he's only 26!! I think God has some great things in store for him. Check out his site for a great read.

He has consistently been my biggest supporter, and for that, I want to say thank you dad. You're too good to me.

He also got to see this cool dog taking his owner’s car for a spin. He has pictures as proof. The dog crashed the car. Pretty crazy if I do say so myself. In case you missed the first hyperlink, my dad's post about the driving dog is here.

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